Marc causing waves at the pool.
Saturday we got organised to go to the pool and I also wanted to watch the US Formula grand prix qualifying so with that in mind we went early to get lunch to bring with us to the pool and be there first so that we could bag one of the umbrella's. We got there in good time and waited a few minutes until we were allowed to enter as the pool opened. We got all set up and I had a dip in the water. During this time a mother and kid came and sat really close to us, almost right on top of us and there was plenty of green area all around to sit in. In any case I went back to watch the qualifying and left Jill and Marc at the pool. When I returned about ninety minutes later Jill had filled me in about this person who was parked right beside us. Apparently Marc was being a little hyper and was walking around and being a bit loud making some noises that he makes. Obviously this had been and was getting on her nerves. Her kid was the obvious type that was seemingly a little spoiled and Jill had told me about his attitude in dealing wioth other kids around him...laying his towel on the pathway and in front of the common walkway of all pool users...and in an obvious attempt to get some sleep exclaiming loudly that it was "so hard for anyone to get some sleep around here".
When I had come back Marc was in the pool a little later and he was making some noises and this kid was impersonating those noises in an altogether not nice way. The first time I let it go and even the second time, but on the third time in the space of 15-20 seconds, this kid Kayden copied Marc again and while the mother did say each time that what the kid was saying was "not nice" and told him to stop. On the third occasion I chimed in sitting less than 3 feet away "hey little boy! thats my son over there". The mother in apparent shock that I would say this opened her eyes from laying down in the sun and said "he doesnt understand". I replied "well talk to your kid them". Kayden seemed obviously shocked that someone would intervene to check his attitude. About 5 minutes later the mother said to the kid that they would get ready to go home.
Later that day Jill was swimming and and a little girl remarked to her that she was thankful that Marc was so nice to her and that she liked him very much. For all the time that people in public dont understand Autism and his disability it is very pleasant to come across those people who are tolerant and understanding that people with disabilities can integrate with society and allow them to blend with others. Of course Marc has his quirks but he has the most happy demeanour and always has a smile on his face. It is always nice when he can have a meeting with a peer of his own age and they accept him for being just another kid.