Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Yabba Dabba Doo Vacation.

So the day is soon approaching...vacation to Disney! ...Tomorrow I am finished with work and will not be back until October 31st, a very welcome few days off indeed. We are all looking forward to the trip very much and after the vacation there will be a lot to talk about. That coupled with Halloween should keep the posts flowing. It will be a few days till I post again so keep watching this space.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

"Gig that never was" will now be in March...fingers crossed.

Here is another mail from Saw Doctors management, it reads as follows...
"Fingers crossed the Saw Doctors will return to Bethlehem in March - I was just talking to the manager on the phone in New York, and he says that they really really want to get back there to play a show, and make up for the disappointment of what happened last Friday."

So thats about it for now in relation to the gig that never was and we shall anticipate for a few months to come. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A rare ticket for a cancelled Saw Doctors gig.

This is the first reply from the Saw Doctors management in relation to last Fridays cancelled show.

"The Saw Doctors were extremely disappointed that they had to cancel the show in Bethlehem at Freedom High School on Friday night.  There was nothing they could do.  The bus was low on fuel and  the roads were closed because of the snow and it was impossible to drive out of Buffalo.  They wanted to reschedule the show for last night (Sunday) but the venue was not available. It was the first time that the Saw Doctors had to cancel a show and they felt extremely bad for all the people who were looking forward to the show on Friday night in Bethlehem - tickets sales were going very well for the show. The Saw Doctors will be returning to the States in March next year - so far the only confirmed show is at the Nokia Theatre on March 10, but hopefully they will include a show in Bethelehm PA to make up for the disappointment of last Fridays cancellation."

Given the fact that this was the first time the Saw Doctors ever had to cancel a show I would think that this click n'print ticket will be worth something in the future.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Friday the 13th.

Apologies for the bad quality picture but this is what greeted us at freedom high school and it reads as follows..."Saw Doctors show has been cancelled by the band". They are currently stuck near Buffalo, New York in a snowstorm. The New York thruway is closed for over 100 miles and it is impossible for them to get to the concert venue". The notice goes on to say about how you can be re-imbursed for the tickets and finishes by saying "very dissappointing for all of us. Thank you".

That is the bloody understatement of the year, this was a show that we have been anticipating for weeks and months even and to be denied by a freak snowstorm which put down 22 inches over Buffalo in mid-October...well words fail me!!!. what are the odds of the band being in that unfortunate region at that day. More tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The scene of season changeover.

The photographer came out in me for this picture, as I was loosing light this picture best portrays the changing of the season from summer to autumn. Note the bare branches and overall I think this is a very good picture to share.

Our old "onion bag".

At least thats what it is called in Ireland, now while its still bright after work, Marc and I like to go out and play some football, exercising and practicing scoring great goals against imaginary goalkeepers. There are lots of types of goal posts small and large but this is the one we like and its a good way to relax after work. Watch this one nestle in the top right corner...well I can dream, can't I.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Burglar APB.

This morning before I got in the car to go to work, a flyer was attached to our mailbox warning of some thefts from cars and garages. Where I live it has always been the type of place where you could leave a lot of things unlocked - and I have, up until now. It is a real shame that people will go so low as to rob other people, needless to say I blame the people from New Jersey who are flooding into Pennsylvania at an alarming rate. Click on the image please.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Planning, anticipating and open school.

These past few days have been busy with the preparations for our trip to Disney and trying to plan most parts of our stay there. We have our travel package and this includes flights, accomodation and park tickets, built into this we also have meal tickets and that has been a large part of the planning in itself. Where to have our dining experiences have been a tricky proposition as we needed to plan at which park we would be at each day and assign our table service within that day. It was recommended that we should take in the Fantasmic show at MGM and that the best way to get good seats was to do the dining experience attached to that, so when booking our table priority seating fantasmic was requested by us, we had to juggle our park visit dates but it was eventually decided upon. After the dining and park visitations were settled upon the next thing is to decide which rides we can all go on, Marc being autistic would be too scared to go on some rides. He has, of late taken to more medium speed rollercoast type rides so this is the area we plan on doing. Still With 4 full days and 4 full parks we will have our hands full. Its really cool that we have the Saw Doctors gig on friday to look forward to as an appetizer for our month of October although they are more that just a starter in a meal they are more like our entree and Disney is the dessert.
Marc had open school last thursday, this was a unique way for Jill and myself in particular to get a feel for what Marc's daily routine at school is like and for us to get a feel for the teachers who will be working with him. They all seemed very nice and towards to end of the get together a male teacher Mr. Frank basically "sharked" me latching onto my faint accent and asking "is that an Irish accent I hear"...I am always glad to hear that question as it means I have not completely lost my Irish accent. We did proceed to have a very nice chat where he said Ireland and its people were very lovely to him and very welcoming and loved to hear about where he came from and what he did for a living and most general stuff you may ask a person in converstaion. We talked even more and end then even some more when it was pretty apparent that the other teachers wanted to wrap up the night. I gave him and extensive list of movies either set in Ireland or about Ireland and then it was time to leave. I bet the other teachers were happy that our chat came to an end.!!! It was a good night and a good visit but lots of cars in the parking lot from all the other parents going to all the other classes.

Hurtling towards autumn.

This is the time of year when days seem to slow down and there seems to be a lack of fun activities, of course the fact that its getting colder and a jacket is needed does not help. Traditionally this is when I like to get out and enjoy what will be left of the evenings before the "clocks" go back and it starts to get dark and cold. Whether you call it fall or autumn it is definitely here, and around here lots and lots of leaves fall down, trees become bare and skies are cloudy. Still there can be beauty in these events and for the next few days (at least until the Saw Doctors gig comes around) I plan on showing some examples. I only hope I can do autumn justice. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

October fest plans.

Plans are afoot for the October schedule of events Jill, Marc and I will be embarking on with The Saw Doctors coming to Bethlehem PA. A really good live band from Ireland who will be on a 15 day tour of America. Then later in the month we will be going to Florida and Disney for 5 days at the end of the month. It's going to be an interesting time particularly when you consider that Marc has not been on a plane yet and it will be 3 hours and mostly sitting in the same position. Of course perhaps it will be plain sailing but you never know. We plan on telling him that at the boarding gate he will be waiting to see a movie much like waiting in a movie theatre to be seated. Until then watch out for some autumn type posts.