Friday the 13th.
Apologies for the bad quality picture but this is what greeted us at freedom high school and it reads as follows..."Saw Doctors show has been cancelled by the band". They are currently stuck near Buffalo, New York in a snowstorm. The New York thruway is closed for over 100 miles and it is impossible for them to get to the concert venue". The notice goes on to say about how you can be re-imbursed for the tickets and finishes by saying "very dissappointing for all of us. Thank you".
That is the bloody understatement of the year, this was a show that we have been anticipating for weeks and months even and to be denied by a freak snowstorm which put down 22 inches over Buffalo in mid-October...well words fail me!!!. what are the odds of the band being in that unfortunate region at that day. More tomorrow.
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