Friday, January 05, 2007

Youtube is the new Google.

My esteemed fellow blogger and friend Colm posted a piece about youtube where he debated that some people thought that youtubers were "just pathethic saps wasting their lives talking to nobody". And of course those people have the right to their opinion as last time I checked it was indeed still a free world. Colm goes on to make a very good point in what he sees as the major reason why people use youtube, as an outlet, as a tool to communicate and reach out to other people, other cultures and sample what makes other people, who 10 years ago even you could talk to via e-mail but you could not visually see what kind of stuff these people get up to. Its a unique media in which a person can showcase themselves or facets of their life and show what their interests are instead of listing them off in a boring typed letter. The human beings need to have communication and contact with others, is a deep rooted emotional feeling demonstrated by marriage and other social living arrangements between two people who need companionship. Youtube is the new media vehicle of the beginning of this century. Yes it can be weird and it can be wonderful but it is here to stay and those who object dont realise its value.


Blogger Colm Keegan said...

yep Rayser your right there - it is the next step up. I play online games now and talk to people all over the world. The internet is like a tap that you turn on and people come spilling out into your room.

7:17 PM


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