Tuesday, April 10, 2007

First day in Ireland brings the Saw Doctors.

So what would youu have done if you realised that the Saw Doctors were due to play the Olympia around the same time you are coming to Ireland. Yes of course you would work the holidays around in such a manner that would enable you to take in the show.
The flight was later than expected manely due to the fact that we were something like 15th in line on the runway at Nuewark on the Thursday evening that i was flying out. I had checked in manually using the computer check in service and had picked my seat..."yes" I thought to myself as I picked the aisle seat right at the back of the plane..."I wont get much hassle there" as i got to my seat I soon realised that it was a couple and a somewhat overweight couple....they were Irish too. So not much room for me to sit in as the guy's fat roll next to me invaded my seat area. Oh joy! and also include the constant stream of people who came to line up for the toilets. So all in all it was a tiring flight and not much sleep just the type of sleep where your chin is the highest point of you body. So with the flight being delayed my Mam and sisters were beginning to wonder if I was on the flight at all. But eventually I emerged and saw everyone for the first time in nearly a year. My nephew Adam made strange for a fewminutes but he was soon into his mischevious ways laughing and happy...I would soon realise that this kid had a lot of energy and slept only when absolutely necessary.

After spending some nice time and having a nice "prodical son" meal I was off to meet Colm for the gig. The support act for the docs were very very good and fair play to the band they do give youth a chance and allow up and coming acts to get their air time. The Olympia was jumping and I was giddy with the buzz of an expected good concert which the Saw Doctors always provide. As was now customary with the present tour the guys took to the stage under the sound of the Star Trek intro and a very entertaining and complex football analogy which explained what position each member played in the bands "sporting" line-up.
Needless to say the show was excellent with each song being as good as the one before and solo performances from each member which were very memorable. The band left at the end and were cajoled into coming out for an encore of 6-7 more songs which lasted about 30-35 minutes . Mainly because of a youtube comment which was posted after the Philly gig concerning "red cortina" I was determined to re-capture that song however they never did play that song....a real shame as its one of my favourites.

At the end of the show was all filed out and in front of us was a son and father who had been given the set list of the gig and they nearly shit themselves when Colm pretended to take it out of their hands yelling "e-bay" but they replied that it would be framed and kept as a source of pride.

After the gig it was on to meet up with the lads mentioned above ...but first we were taken on a tour of Dublin by a gormless taxi who transpired to be related to the jockey Catherine Gannon, man alive a small world indeed. A few scoops were had and a lot of fun indeed after the drinking we went to a chinese take away and got some grub and then as people peeled off home I was left with Vinnie Mc and we called into a friend of his and probably outstayed our welcome after having been welcomed with a lot of hospitality, I said good night to Vinnie and got a taxi home it was 4am when I got my head down.....it had been a long first day in Dublin Ireland. But all the same a great day to start my holiday with.


Blogger Colm Keegan said...

ah yeah rayser it was a great night. Lets have more

5:15 AM

Blogger refu said...

As you have already said "life is short so lets live it"

we will definitely do that!!!

8:40 PM


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