Friday, May 18, 2007

Crazy drifting drivers.

Ok so if you read this blog on a regular basis you will no doubt know that I have a constant bitch session in relation to the state of driving around me. Every day that I take the highway to work I know that I will come across at least one individual who takes the lives of himself and everyone else around him seemingly for granted as they speed to get one car length or weave in and out of lanes. The route I take to work means for 15 minutes of each one way trip I am very wary of everything around me, not withstanding the fact that for about 5 miles of my trip there is concrete barriers between outward and inward lanes, making it even more dangerous.
Last night as I drove home I had an dividual who was perhaps (and I am guessing) was making some kind of conference call as within her lane she was drifting to each side and slightly over the median of a two lane highway with those afore mentioned concrete blocks. All of this too as she had speeded to get past me and now she was moving quite slow and drifting apparently not watching for the slight right hand bending that the road took us along. Crazy People.


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