Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Fourth of July trip to the swimming pool.

Today we were all ready to go to the pool and as we got packed up to go the weather looked very cloudy and cool. When we arrived we were the only ones there. There were four of us and we got the feeling that the employees did not want us to be there as they wanted to go home. The Palmer pool has a policy whereby there must be a minimum of seven people in order for the pool to turn up. So it was very funny to think that we were keeping the pool open and we hoped that others would come to bump up the attendance and it was not long until 2 kids came and we hoped more would come to make the attendance more than the alloted seven. Finally we had been in the water which was a little cool for 30 minutes when they finally announced over the intercom that "due to lack of attendance Palmer pool will be closing in 15 minutes". We swam for a further 10 minutes and got ready to leave. I had been the first into the pool and the last to leave, it was kind of surreal as we left the area on independance day. We had been swimming for around 40 minutes and it was worth it, if only for a few minutes we had got our pool fix.


Blogger Colm Keegan said...

Surreal is right - i suppose its like tryin to keep somebody late on good friday when they all wanna go to parties!!! Whats the fourth of july like anyways?

6:15 AM

Blogger refu said...

4th of July is a day where you have a meal with family and friends usually bbq burgers or hot dogs various types of salad potato/pasta and any kind of summer food. fireworks later on in the evening. its also a day away from work and thats always good. The employees at the pool this year look for any oppertunity to close the doors. It is a profit making business but also a community service, but the day was cold and dreary and I understand where they were coming from. It was quite funny. On sunday it was hot and packed, so in a matter of a few days we have seen the complete spectrum of attendance at the pool.

9:34 AM


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