Monday, July 31, 2006

Waterparks, and the stuff you find there.

With the hot weather we are having right now 90+ fahrenheit and 33+ celsius, we have been going to some waterparks in the last two weeks. In fact we went to one park called Idlewild and that was particularly fun check it out on We drove 4 1/2 hours to close to Pittsburgh and the one ride I can recommend if your ass is out of joint, is the speed slide. You fly down this slide at easily 40 miles per hour and when you reach the bottom your ass "surfs" for about 20 feet and skips along the surface. Yeah if your ass is completely out of joint before then thats the cure of course the opposite applies also. Ouch!!!

But the worst thing is in these parks and pools the gross stuff you can be unfortunate to find (if you are lucky to find-before you swim into it!!!). Huge jellyfish sized luggeys or phlehm which some stupid teenagers have hocked up, floating like sea mines for someone to swim into. Thats not including the hairs and piss and shit that toddlers can make and sometimes deposit in the pool, afterall thats why they are called community pools!!! whole communitys of turds.


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