Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Teenage taunter caught red handed.

Another story from our day at camel beach water park was a teenager getting herself into trouble with us. Here's the story... we were walking back towards the wave pool, Marc's favourite thing in the park and being autistic and happy he was jumping for joy. Now Marc jumping for joy does look a spectacle and to other teenagers may look a bit dorky, well a group of 3 girls were walking past as he jumped high and screamed a happy scream, Marc was just a little ahead of me and Jill was about 10-15 yards back. We saw this teenage girl obviously trying to be cool in front of her friends, and jumping in a clear imitation of Marc and laughing about it. Well with all of us strung out in indian file and spread out they clearly did not think that Jill was Marc's mother. Well they had a shock coming as Jill stopped the girl and said "you know, its not very nice to make fun of a child with a disability". Oh yeah they had that shocked look, stunned even. That day even for just a few seconds, it was nice to bring an ego down just a notch.


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