Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Disney,Poocas and sore feet.Oh and sign the petition.

I'm building the anticipation here, I know but due to such a busy week (and a slight hangover I might add), posts have been few and far between but know that I have a lot of material to share. Disney was a lot of fun we went on a lot of familiar rides and one or two new ones and I will detail all of this in due course, but first I think I will talk about last night in the next post and then I will highlight why our feet are sore and our bodies are tired. But whilst you wait, please go to todays post on and find the link which says "go here" then sign the petition to have Arsenal Football Club place the old clock from the old stadium into the new stadium. This is an important aspect of the clubs history so please spread the word. Thank you and more later. Poocas will be explained also later.


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