Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Always look in your rear view mirrors.

For the last few days of last week and a few of this week, Marc has had short hours at school typically 8am - 10.30am. With this in mind I proposed to Jill that they should come and meet me for lunch here close to where I work...a 35 minute drive away. So yesterday it was decided that Jill would come and take Marc along too, they would be leaving at 11am and going by way of back roads and not the motorway that time would be sufficient to enable them to get here and actually be waiting as I left work for lunch. Coming closer to the time of midday I looked outside to see if they were waiting, no sign of them. It got to 12 o'clock and I proceeded to go out and see if they were there. No sign....I remembered as Jill said she would be a little nervous as she did not know the area too well, and I hoped she had not gotten lost. I started the car to get it warmed up and waited and watched and I waited and watched some more. I had been waiting for about 4 minutes when out of the corner of my eye I saw what looked like a blue car. It was Jill but she had driven right by, luckily I had the car running and warmed so I set off after her hoping to gain her attention. By the time I got onto the road there was a car between Jill and I who was following her, I followed as she drove on surely getting worried that she was lost at this stage.
In the course of following her the car betwwen us peeled away to a right turn and I followed Jill trying to get her attention to stop. I was frantically high beaming with my lights and she just seemed to drive on and on. It was quite funny as I realised my actions from her point of view may have been ones of an irate driver, nevertheless I had to continue to follow and as she came to a stop sign I waved my hands outside of the window. Amazingly this was not enough to get her to realise it was me. I followed on some more and finally got her to stop and realise it was me. Seven more minutes had passed and it had eaten into my lunchtime. And then we did finally go to lunch, it was a very funny senario as Jill was surely thinking "what the **** is going on with this driver behind me". It was the first time in 22 months that they had joined me for lunch whilst I was at work. I am sure we will do it again, just without the apparent road rage driving.


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