Clip of the "Docs"
Thanks to Colm and to Bob of for the advice on embedding the clip. Who knows what I will have up next!
Seriously though back in July of last year I thought about doing a blog and now I have to say I am very glad that I did. The only thing is to try to keep it light and re-visitable (yes it is a real word) so that my pals will keep coming back to read and if it takes you away from your work for a minute each day then I will have performed a worthwhile service. I could write a lot about the problems this world faces but other people more knowledgeable than myself are doing that. I am using this as a tool for people I know to look across the pond and glimpse into my day to day routine and to watch what we are up to. I dont claim to be the best but I am trying to make it interesting and informative. Its always nice to hear that people are reading.
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