Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Surprise!!!....So, how old are you now?

Ok so it was my birthday on Tuesday and all the time I was kind of expecting the whole work-surprise cake and card thing. The morning came and went and it got to about 3pm in the afternoon and I was thinking maybe it was not going to happen. Then one of the accounting people came over to talk to me about soccer (as they say over here) and more specifically "David Beckham", and his impending arrival to these shores. I was running the cutting table at the time and was preoccupied with getting the next sheet of board on the table.

When I came back with the sheet, there was everybody in the room with the cake and card and singing. I prefer to do the singing when birthdays come around but this time I was the recipient and had to stand there cringing slightly. It was at this point that they said lets get some forks and a knife to cut the cake with and they all left me to do the cutting. On top of this my boss came down and started to pick on me in a humorous manner, looking over my shoulders as I cut. Needless to say the slices got progressively worse and less aesthethic looking. It was a real surprise, despite my vigilence to look for the signs. And then the questions came...So, how old are you now?. Just another year gone by.


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