Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Fifteen minutes of carnage on normal Tuesday.

  • Read this page here
  • Tuesday as I drove home and coming close to the mountain on I-78, there was a very nasty looking storm off in the distance. I never liked thunder and especially lightning and I didnt like to see the lightning strike in a very fast manner. You always think that lightning is far away from where you are but this time I could see it in the near distance. When I got closer to home there was traffic lights out and right by Bushkill park on the road there was a tree down which covered almost the two lanes of the road. Cars were being directed by a police officer and the cars had to verge onto the shoulder and an area where people regularly feed the ducks from the river.
    When I did get home Jill told me about how the lightning had hit a garage of a neighbours and it had caught on fire. Also she said that the lightning was hitting so close and it was so loud. Our TV was down and it was only a day later when we learned how much damage the 15 minute storm had produced.


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