Friday, February 02, 2007

Finally it is time to smile with Beamer TV.

Update on Beamer TV:-

Those of you who have been reading for a while know that I had been exploring an idea to talk to my family back home and we purchased a product called Beamer TV. The day that we tried to talk continent to continent was a day that I was not beaming as it was a frustrating affair involving various kinds of carrier numbers and just trying for the sake of trying,hoping that it would work. Last Tuesday evening I got the support people at Vialta to call my sister and after about 30minutes of them troubleshooting it seems that the initial phone was not compatible and after using a different (wireless) phone it worked. It is really great to actually be able to see the person you are talking to, over the course of time people change hairstyles and such and it is fantastic to almost be there with those people. My nephew Adam is nearing 1 year old in about a week and its going to be great to see him grow up and with this product and now knowing it truly works is a good feeling. We plan more visula meetings. Beamer TV connects to both a tv and the phone to allow people to talk via the two media.


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