Friday, July 13, 2007

Lack of sleep and its funny effects.

The last few months have seemed to me to be very busy ones, either that or the constant day to day work routine and having Friday come around as a saviour to the week in general. For me Monday has always been the start of a week and now that we as a family are in the midst of summer there is an intense desire to use every single day. This is actually more apparent in Jill than myself as she swears that she may have the SAD. Seasonal adjustment disorder the coming and going of the seasons and Jill has never liked the cold months. I have always been pragmatic about the seasons but perhaps coming from Ireland one can take that point of view. Any small part of the warm weather in Ireland we are always grateful for, whilst Jill has always had the good summers followed by the bitter cold winter and spring. So in effect the climate swing is greater in the states than it is in Ireland, Irish people accept it for what it is...may not like it but accept it, Ireland has the more constant type of weather but not the major swing in climate as is experienced here in the states.
Getting back to my main point it is this clammering to enjoy the summer to the fullest and fill all the weekends with major activities that has made me somewhat tired. Add into the mix the family life and a busy work day where there is always something going on that makes Jill and I tired. Now bear this in mind when I say that I have recently realised I have always had this quirk of initiating conversations late at night. As a pre-teen and teenager and even adult when I shared a room with my brother I used to always talk to him just at the point where he was about to drop off to sleep and this would annoy him quite a bit. Jill is always busy and gets up early and due to my nocturnal activities in watching tv late she doesnt always get the amount of sleep she maybe would like. I am aware of this but she never says anything to me about it so the status-quo continues. As if this wasnt bad enough she has my babbling to deal with late at night.
Last night I was so tired myself but on BBC America I was watching some chat show and Ardal O'Hanlon was on and he was extremely funny and I continued to watch as a consequence of this I was laughing at his comments and telling out loud to Jill what was said. I cant remember how the whole dialogue went but I remember thinking that it was so funny that I needed to write about it and it would have been wrote just like dialogue from a movie and you as the reader would have had to imagine who said what. This post seemed to make sense to me when I started out writing it but as I cant recall exactly what happened I will forgive you for thinking that I have lost it.!!!


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