Friday, February 29, 2008

Saw Doctors return to Bethlehem...finally.

Regular readers may remember this picture, if not then check the archives October 2006 (Friday the 13th no less). At that time it had been the only gig that the Saw Doctors had failed to show for after a really freak snowstorm in what usually is tepid temperatures in October. I'd like to think that my munerous e-mails to Amanda Mc Grath at the Saw Doctors office has influenced the band to come back once more. Whatever the reason they are going to be the main event on Sunday at what is called "The Winter Classic". A kind of Celtic Fest where there will be music food and traditional events all day long. Its going to be a two day affair but for us the last act will be the best. The "Docs" are going to close the event with a gig at 7.30pm.

The Winter Classic.


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