Saturday, July 14, 2007

Do you know your vowels?

Picture this, because I am willing to bet that you have never heard a story like this before. Its Saturday night about 10pm and there is nothing special going on. Marc asks for some water, and I decide if he wants water then he should know how to spell it. Well he starts out with W...good! and then follows with some generic consenants. So I ask Marc "do you know your vowels"?, and in the course of Jill and I teaching it to him, Jill starts by singing A-E-I-O-UUUUUUUU. So in an effort to forever burn this into Marcs brain we sing it out in a hummy nasally fashion A-E-I-O-UUUUUUU....oh maybe 50 times. It occurs to me that this may just look and sound quite funny to anyone within earshot and even for anyone to hear of this story. To have Marc sing it back and for him to miss E in the process of getting it right is very very funny. Another priceless memory for all of us. Remember when we taught Marc his vowels?!!!.


Blogger Colm Keegan said...

Just give him the drink next time man!!! Hey do me a favour drop me a line at will ya? I lost your number and wanna give you a ring


3:37 PM


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